Posts in Relationships
Everyday Sacred

A friend of mine recently was using the space downstairs. We met to set up the music situation and he said to me, I don’t want to put my computer on your altar. I understood what he meant, we put the computer (which connected to the speakers) on the bottom shelf and everything worked perfectly. At the time I realized that I had a different perspective.

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Hiring + Firing Tips for the Workplace (also Good Relationship Advice)

I recorded a podcast with Kate Jaramillo who coaches a variety health practitioners in having wildly successful practices. She asked me to talk about communication around hiring and firing. I made a few notes so here they are. Well…I added a few things.

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Corona and Kids. What Are You Saying?

Your children are instantly navigating a new experience. Depending upon their age they don’t have the capacity to understand what’s happening in the same ways you do. For better and for worse. They don’t have the brain development to make meaning of what they are seeing and hearing. They exist more deeply on the feeling level. Not only are they trying to make meaning of the change in their lives, they are deeply impacted by you, the parents, their caregivers. In more ways that you might be thinking about. They are tracking on your every move.

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I am Just Trying to Help You.

I am on a plane returning home from a trip to visit Steve. I was the first to board the plane...first time ever that happened! Comfortably in my seat. 29F. By the window. A man younger than myself likely by 20 or more years comes to the row and let’s me know that he is in the middle seat. He suggested to me that this flight had few passengers and he would likely change his seat. He added, “Doing it so you can be comfortable.”

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Don't Talk it Out

Maybe you are like me and when you find yourself in conflict you want to work it out right away?! I have found over the years that there are many times when this is just not the best idea. Why? Because talking it out with the person who you are in conflict with isn’t always the most efficient or even effective strategy to get needs met.

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