Posts in Communication
The Sweet Spot

One of our deepest needs is connection, and a sense of belonging with each other.  And we struggle so much creating that experience with a great deal of the people we know, including our partners, family, friends, and co-workers.  Somehow we find ourselves upset, frustrated, confused, and disappointed, over and over.

How can this be?  Our most important human need is so challenging to experience.

Let’s use the short answer.

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Yesterday I was having a coffee (well, I had the carrot salad and fizzy water) with a friend.  This is Kim, a kindred spirit who I am inspired by and with and feel grateful when it works out that we can hang out.  We were catching up after her travels; she was on a journey with one of her mentors/spiritual teachers in Mexico.

Our conversation was lovely and lively, and was running deep.

And then, I noticed a shift. It was ever so slight, a move in my seat, a twitch in my face, a noticing of a mild ‘unpleasant’. 

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I Can't Hear You

Has this ever happened to you?

You are having an important conversation with your partner (or friend, or co-worker or parent) and it is crystal clear that they (consistently) aren’t understanding what you are saying?  You believe they aren’t listening, or they are taking what you say too personally.   They get upset when you think they shouldn’t.  You are feeling frustrated.  You are certain that you are communicating clearly.  How could they be misunderstanding you again?  Possibly you have tried to have a particular conversation before and run into similar situation.  Possibly it happens regularly. 

It’s all too annoying.

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Sexual chemistry is fun.  Our neurological and biochemical response to meeting a mate haven’t evolved much in the past 13,000 years. When you meet a person you like and who likes you, and has the promise of forever, biochemically, your body is telling you that you are safe.

In this day and age, it is often difficult to think in those kinds of practical terms. You just get happy.

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Naughty or Nice? You Have Another Option

This kind of black and white thinking rules us.  We learn it from young.  You might get a gift from Santa if you are nice, be good or do what your parents want you to do.  

However continuing this practice of doing what someone else wants you to do, or ‘because it is nice’ (or good, or right) will only lead you to relationships filled with confusion and resentment.  

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