Dear Chicken (bone) Broth
I adore you. Even the new version I’ve been eating without salt. You are something that has brought me comfort for my entire life. My mom called you chicken noodle soup and she made you well. I learned from the best, watching her over the years. You were one of many soups she made, and you were special. Holidays, and Fridays you would show up. Noodles. When I finally ventured out and made you on my own, I might have well just called you Noodle Chicken Soup. Then the bone broth movement became a thing and I changed the name. I actually haven’t looked up any new recipes, just changed the name, and deleted the noodles. I would make chicken soup from you, or add you to other soups, like Split Pea or Mushroom Barley —two other favorites. Now I have been making you without salt as I have been advised and woven you into my primal diet protocol. Still nourishing me, Physically and emotionally.. (and thanks Mom, for the wisdom you shared just by making soup all those years ago.)