Our Offerings
“I could not have asked for a more trusted guide and support on the journey of self-awareness and self-discovery than Terrie Lewine. Whether it is exploring the practice and consciousness of Nonviolent Communication or any of the other numerous offerings she provides at her space, her words and actions have always contributed to cultivating an atmosphere that satisfies my needs for trust, safety, a sense of belonging, being seen and heard, celebration of life and so much more. Thank you, Terrie, for being who you are and doing what you do!”
Live Free WebinarRelationships 101
Let’s get started. In this free class, I will offer you three important points (TIPs), all things you can change on your own that will have you begin to navigate your relationships in ways that feel more authentic and free than they do right now.
You will have the opportunity to ask questions and will leave with some practices that you can put into place right away!
The quickest way to improveCoaching Sessions
Our coaching sessions will draw on a wide variety of learning and skill sets, while being deeply rooted in the work of Nonviolent Communication (NVC). NVC gives you access to compassion you were previously unaware of by connecting you to your deepest life energy and that of others.
Shifting how you communicateTransforming Any Relationship
This workshop offers you the information you need to shift the ways you communicate. Our work together will highlight the things you can do to shift your perspective about where your power is in having more power and satisfaction in all your relationships. You will better understand these main ideas.
1 — What needs are being met inside the relationship already.
2 — What needs are not, and how you might find ways to get those needs met.
3 — In what ways you are contributing to the success and distress you experience in your relationship.
4 — How you can make subtle changes to improve the quality of your connection in every relationship you choose to have.
These 4 things alone can radically change the quality of all your relationships.
truly magicalIntention Circles
These circles are designed to harness any quantum potential reality into reality. Those participating intend to literally create the lives they say they want. That’s it! If you want to heal something (disease, or some type of symptoms), this is for you. If you want to change some aspect of your life, this is for you. If you want to create something new in your life, this is for you. Understanding the science behind how your mind/body works, and based on the REALITY of The Quantum mind, we will gather weekly to change our lives.
Weekend WorkshopIn Other Words
A Comprehensive Introduction to Nonviolent CommunicationWhat does it take to communicate in any relationship in a way that connects, and is in integrity with your deepest values? It all starts inside of you.
It’s about discovering what goes on in you from the moment you perceive something to the moment you respond. Though it might be just a split second, you cycle through a river of thoughts, impulses, images, feelings, and needs. Shedding light on this river helps you to connect to your heart and respond to what's true for you in the moment.
With more understanding and awareness, you get free from the trap of making decisions based on habits, assumptions, or what you think you “should” do. And it's easier to communicate in the way you would like.
a unique approachNetwork Care
Network Care is a revolutionary approach to wellness that applies low force touch at spinal gateways or certain contact points on the body. These gentle contacts help to assist the brain to connect more effectively with the spine and body, so individuals can develop new strategies for living and healing.