
Free WebinarRelationships 101

This one hour LIVE FREE Webinar is designed to make a big difference in a short amount of time.

The difference between blame and holding someone accountable is your willingness to bring connection and resources to the table instead of making them wrong.
— Philippe Lewis

What is Relationships 101?

We will go over together Three Important Points (TIPs) that will help you shift your perception of what is happening in relationships, including the one with yourself so that you can begin to do things differently.  Whether or not you are in a significant relationship, or your significant other is with you on this webinar, you will begin to notice subtle changes in how you navigate conflict with the people around you. That is, of course, if you apply the knowledge.

This is live so your participation is not only welcome, it will determine the outcome of your experience.  Please ask your questions and bring your concerns as we dive into this exploration.

And yet, we are together for only one hour.  This kind of change requires practice. And, over the years of supporting people in creating the kinds of relationships they dream of, I feel confident suggesting LOTS of practice.   Please continue to learn more using the resources on this website as well as signing up for online classes and in-person workshops. This is what will help you to deepen your understanding, and change your habits.

This live webinar is the just the beginning.

Cost: Free!

A drawing of a pink flower with an orange and yellow center

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