Dear Detox
To be thanking you right now seems miraculous. There are so many things I woke up to by navigating what you were asking me to do. You reminded me that my body is always taking good care of me, no matter how I feel about it. You reminded me to listen to the whispers, because when I don’t my body will yell so loudly I am unable to ignore it. You invited me to explore every single aspect of my life —emotional work that I hadn’t addressed and really didn’t know it, as well as physical and health choices that weren’t serving me even though I pretended it didn’t matter. Your persistence allowed me to dive so deeply —enough to truly listen to what was being asked. Finally, for now, you brought to me a community of friends who cared enough to show up and offer me the support and guidance that I needed and quite frankly, save my life. Those folks may or may not know who they are, even though I tell them on the regular. They will absolutely getting a love letter (or more than one) this year. I am so grateful to be alive and actually want to be.