A photograph of two people leaning against each other and looking out at a city skyline at night

self-guided program

Forgiving the Past

We do things that hurt our partners; our partners do things that hurt us. Whether what happened is a big or a small thing — or many small things that have added up over the years — you may now find yourself resenting your partner. Or, conversely, you may have done something that your partner just can’t get over. So you end up re-hashing the same thing(s) over and over — never getting over it, never healing the hurt.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

Find the healing that you’ve always longed for.

You love your partner and you are a good match in so many ways, yet you have lost your way. There have been indiscretions — either small or large — that you (or they) just can’t seem to get over. Most times, the small things are big things, as well. With the small things, you might try to talk yourself out of feeling and thinking the way you do. It works for a little while until it all comes up again. Possibly you have been struggling to forgive those transgressions for years. Or you find yourself talking about (or avoiding) the same thing over and over and you are sick and tired of it. Possibly you are resigned or feeling hopeless that you can ever find a way out of this pattern. You love your partner — or at least you think you do — yet this thing between you is taking its toll on the relationship.

Imagine what your life together could be like if you were able to restore your faith in each other and learn a new way of communicating.

It really is possible to heal these old wounds, it just takes a commitment to a process and a willingness to talk openly and honestly about what happened. It's not easy, yet absolutely possible, to find forgiveness. While it may not be comfortable, talking about these things is required in order to move forward with freedom and trust — and to rekindle the connection that was lost. This program is designed to give you the tools you need in order to do just that.

In this self-guided, 3-week program, you will learn:

  • How to bring the past into the present in healthy and productive ways.

  • How to stop arguing about the same things over and over.

  • How to accept responsibility without shame.

  • How to talk about difficult things without blame.

  • How to make agreements and negotiate openly so that all needs are being considered.

  • How to restore the connection you once (or maybe never) had.

As soon as you register, you receive:

  • Three actionable lessons, with worksheets, emailed straight to your inbox.

  • Direct access to me in a private Facebook community, where you also receive the support and understanding of a small group of people who are also interested in creating the relationship of their dreams.

  • The guidance you need to make the changes you desire.

  • The chance to go at your own pace. A new lesson is emailed to you once a week for 3 weeks, but feel free to download the materials and do the work whenever you have time, in the privacy of your own home or even in your favorite coffee shop.

With the right tools and a willingness to do the work, you can look forward to years of real connection and care.

A drawing of a flower

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