Come Firewalk With Us
How would you and your life be different if you knew you could walk on fire…even if you choose not to? Would any other beliefs you have change? Would you have more confidence and courage to take whatever your next steps are? What possibilities might open up for you that you can't even see yet? What might you say yes to that you haven’t before?
“When I made my initial call to Terrie I wasn’t even sure what I wanted to accomplish. I thought I wanted to understand better the relationships I had in the past and to finally find that perfect partner. I was surprised in our sessions to realize how much I contributed to having relationships I didn’t want. I now have more confidence in my life and who and how I choose to spend time with people. I am in a new significant relationship now and I trust myself enough to ask the right questions and move forward at a pace that feels good to us. So far it has been great!”
About Firewalk
Come join us in this circle of focused energy and see how what you believe to be true influences actually is true for you...and how that can change in an instant. Let’s support each other in letting go of what no longer serves us.
The evening will be filled with a variety of activities to prepare you for this shift in perception. We will be offering time to become crystal clear about the life you say you want, including specific meditations, journaling time, sharing time.
When it comes time to decide whether to walk or not, you will have the clarity to choose with confidence what serves you best, which is the skill you will leave this event with.