Join Kim Fleisher (and me!) in the New Year for setting intention, letting go of old and bringing in the new. We'll chant a round of the Ganesh Mantra, sit for 20-30min, share, have tea and sing. It is said that for the times we're in Kirtan (repeated, devotional chanting of mantra) is the antidote. One translation of the sanskrit word mantra is "mind release." Join me in silence and in song as we make space for release and new growth. Out-of-tune voices, shy peeps, and peeps who don't want to sing are welcome.
- By donation, suggested donation is $20 and no one will be turned away for lack of funds
- 12-4pm (I reserved 4 hours in case we need it but we might not)
- It's ok to be late.... and, if you happen to come in while we're in silent sitting try to just find a spot and sit down in the least interruptive way until the silent sitting is over : )
- Questions contact
- RSVP is helpful but not required
- You don't have to sing (or do anything) if you don't want to!