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Shamanic Journeying as a Sacred Tool

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We will be led by Jamie Allen-Holmes.
Shamanic Journeying is powerful meditative state acquired by riding the heart-opening rhythm of the beating drum. In this introductory workshop participants will learn how to use the journey as sacred tool to gather information, gain wisdom, receive teachings, and obtain healing. Students will: learn the basics of how and why to journey; learn about traveling to different spiritual realms; and leave with an understanding about how to use Shamanic Journey to get answers and gain wisdom.
Thirty percent of the workshop will be a teaching on why we journey, the history of journeying, and how it has been used, and how participants can use this tool in their every-day spiritual practice. The remaining 70% of the class will be spent participating in journey sessions and group discussion.  Students are encouraged to dress comfortably.
We will be led by Jamie Allen-Holmes.
Anticipate spending 4-5 hours at the space.  
EXCHANGE:  $127.00
About Jamie Allen-Holmes:  

Jamie Allen, Sitting Hawk Woman, of Cherokee descent has been traveling the Red Road for 10 years and has dedicated the last 10 years of her life to being of service to the People. An artist, teacher and student, Jamie leads ceremonies throughout the US and South Africa, such as Inipi (sweat lodges), Fire Ceremonies, Baby Blessings, Weddings and more.

Jamie has often been asked if she calls herself a ‘Shaman’ or ‘Medicine Person’ and how she describes what she does… her answer: “I am an intuitive healer. I use these gifts to serve the People. I am guided by intuition and Great Spirit about which sacred medicine tools to use during healing sessions and ceremonies. I do not claim to be a Shaman, nor do I refer to myself as a Medicine Person; I am simply a woman that has been blessed with the ability to connect with Great Spirit and allow that wisdom and compassion to flow through me to bring about healing in myself and others.”