Mournings are a critical skill/understanding/practice of Nonviolent Communication. The purpose and outcome of doing this has a wide variety of benefit.
1. If you are in a relationship that has struggled over time, and you are wanting to really get over things that have happened in the past, this practice is your answer. Bringing these challenges into the present is the way to have conversations that actually can transform the past.
2. Remembering to accept responsibility for our part in a conflict and discuss it in a way that reflects our acknowledgement without blame is transformative.
3. Rather than staying in the cycle of 'doing something wrong, apologizing and/or feeling guilty, this practice will free you from this ongoing suffering.
Making Requests
We will dive in deeply and explore this topic
1. The kinds of requests you can make
2. Differentiating between requests and demands - really
3. Understanding the energy of making requests - slowing conversations and situations down enough to remember why we are making the request in the first place.
4. Coming up with way more requests (strategies) than you think possible in every scenario and then considering which ones you might make.
We will then have an opportunity to work with the Dance Floors to practice this work with each other.
Join me this morning for this essential practice. Just doing this well will make a difference in your relationships!
Time: 10:00am - 4:00pm
Cost: $69.00