Empathy Circles
The intention of our empathy circles is to connect with each other in ways that we each have the experience of being heard and supported while feeling free to speak about anything.
“When I made my initial call to Terrie I wasn’t even sure what I wanted to accomplish. I thought I wanted to understand better the relationships I had in the past and to finally find that perfect partner. I was surprised in our sessions to realize how much I contributed to having relationships I didn’t want. I now have more confidence in my life and who and how I choose to spend time with people. I am in a new significant relationship now and I trust myself enough to ask the right questions and move forward at a pace that feels good to us. So far it has been great!”
What are Empathy Circles?
“I do not know if you have ever examined how you listen, it doesn’t matter to what, whether to a bird, to the wind in the leaves, to the rushing waters, or how you listen in a dialogue with yourself, to your conversation in various relationships with your intimate friends, your wife or husband.
If we try to listen we find it extraordinarily difficult, because we are always projecting our opinions and ideas, our prejudices, our backgrounds, our inclinations, our impulses; when they dominate we hardly listen at all to what is being said.
In that state there is no value at all. One listens and therefore leans, only in a state of attention, a state of silence, in which this whole background is in abeyance, is quiet; then, it seems to me, it is possible to communicate.
Real communication can only take place where there is silence.” — Krishnamurti
“Empathy requires staying with the energy that’s here right now. Not using any technique. Just being present. When I have really connected to this energy, it’s like I wasn’t there. I call this ‘watching the magic show’. In this presence, a very precious energy works through us that can heal anything, and this relieves me from my ‘fix-it’ tendencies.” — Marshall B. Rosenberg, Ph.D.
The intention of our empathy circles is to connect with each other in ways that we each have the experience of being heard and supported while feeling free to speak about anything.
Participants are encouraged to say the things they shouldn’t say, the things no one wants to hear, the things that they might have shame about even thinking. Our job in the circle is to listen, (as suggested above in the inspiration) for something deeper, for what is alive. We will listen for the needs that are so precious and longing to be uncovered and held dear.
We will not be offering advice or suggestions — unless it is specifically asked for. And even then, we might suggest that advice be offered in creative ways and times.